mardi 15 février 2011

There and back again

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Spring seems to have arrived in the South but here in the North of Germany, we're definitely still in winter's grip. An icy wind blows day and night, howling over the roofs as I lie in bed, relieved only by some sunny days. Even though I did see some new flowers poking tentatively through in the Bürgerpark, the idea of going out without a hat or gloves seems far away. But the past few days have still been good; lunch with Sylee at Kohlenquelle which is a welcome escape from the squeaky clean trendiness of Prenzlauer Berg, walks in the park and moments when the sun finally defeated the clouds and the loveliest skies and evening light could be seen across Berlin.

I'm already wondering how the view will be over London when we come in to land tomorrow afternoon. I remember seeing it for the first time last November, lines of twinkling lights, lovelier than ever. I have a lot planned for my few days; Peter Hall's Twelfth Night at the National Theatre, the Edward Hoppé exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, the Modern British Scupture at the Royal Academy, catching a couple of films from the Truffaut season at the BFI, The Coens' True Grit, a visit to the Dulwish picture gallery and then a look at the college there where Raymond Chandler and P.G Wodehouse went and a concert at the Festival Hall. I'll be back soon but let me leave you with some photos from the past week, . Have a great week and take care!

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At Kohlenquelle on Kopenhagener Straße

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Wonder what they were talking about

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The perfect cup of coffee

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Exploring some wonderful little furniture shops in the area

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Apparently God is a DJ

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Angle Face with Robert Mitchum and Jean Simmons

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Sunday afternoon at Anna Blume's

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Strange garden sculptures near the Bürgerpark

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25 commentaires:

  1. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  2. Ah pour une fois, le premier commentaire est pour moi ;-)
    Tu me fais rêver avec ces petites boutiques berlinoises pleines de meubles et de vaisselle. J'ai tellement hâte d'en être au stade "déco" de ma maison... mais pour le moment, on en est loin ! Heureusement, avec l'arrivée du printemps, on peut déjà profiter du jardin et des premières jonquilles comme sur tes photos :-) Bises et bon séjour en Angleterre ! Julia

  3. I love that in the dark of winter your camera pulls you to lights... so many lovely lights... and small tiny signs of life in WInter... and color! I am envious of your ENgland schedule... so many great things.. can it be possible that Chandler and Wodehouse went to the same place... WOW!

  4. Have a wonderful trip, Vanessa. (I adore P G Wodehouse!)
    Love the garden sculpture....what else is there?

  5. Your photos evoke a melancholy (in a good way) winter mood in the city. Have a wonderful time in London.

  6. As always, love the photos. Counting down to Spring. I do believe it is almost here. YEAH!!!

    Enjoy your time in London. I doubt it will be any warmer.


  7. Lovely impressionn of sprin! He, I find that it does't feel like winter anymore.

    Havea great time in London.



  8. Ah ! Les flaques d'eau pour les photos c'est génial ;-) J'aime beaucoup, cela fait son petit effet.
    Moi aussi j'ai un amour immense pour Truffaut. L'enfant sauvage me tient plus particulièrement à cœur voir ici :

  9. @Julia - Contente de trouver ton commentaire! L'emménagement est sûrement long mais bon courage. Moi, j'adorerais avoir un jardin. Ces boutiques à Berlin sont vraiment super, pas trop chers et les meubles sont d'une bonne qualité. J'espère découvrir le printemps en Bretagne sur ton blog. Bises.
    @Deana - It's true, light in these long evenings seems magical. I'm already so excited about my trip and hope I manage to pull everything in. It's funny but Chandler and Wodehouse have fairly similar styles. On the radio recently they read an except about "A blonde to make a bishop kick a hole in stained glass window" and everyone was surprised to learn that it was from Chandler. They also suggested that Marlowe is an English gent. Isn't it fascinating?
    @Barbara - Ah, another Wodehouse fan :-) That sculpture is funny because it's outside a rather dull looking lawyer's office.
    @Velva - This year I hope we have a proper spring. Last year it arrived then we had rain and cold for weeks so couldn't enjoy the colours. London will surely be cold and grey but there are plenty of good things to do inside luckily.
    @Tracy - Nice to hear from you again and glad to know my post helped you wind down.
    @Rosa - Maybe in Switzerland but here it's still minus degrees with light snow forecast later in the week. Hope spring hurries up.
    @Alice - C'est vraiment un de mes sujets préférés. Je suis contente que tu aimes aussi Truffaut et merci pour le lien; L'enfant Sauvage est un film extraordinaire. Je vais lire ton billet maintenant.

  10. Beautiful photos! I would love to see a Peter Hall production!! Have fun in London!

  11. Your trip is filled with wonderful things. I'll look forward to reading and seeing what you bring back with you. Enjoy!

  12. I hope you have a wonderful trip. Can't wait to hear all about it!



  13. you give such wonderful little snapshots of moments - I wish I could capture moments as well as you do.

  14. @Christine - I'm really lucky to have a ticket because it's in a tiny theatre and has been sold out for months. Rebecca Hall is also in it and it'll celebrate his 80th birthday.
    @Denise - Just a few hours from take-off and I'm so excited. Hope the weather isn't so bad either for the photos.
    @Nicolette - Thanks Nicolette, I can't wait!
    @Hila - Oh but I think you do. For me, reading your blog is about special moments nad i'm really jealous of how well you write about art and films.

  15. You must be there already - enjoy you stay, have a great vacation.

  16. Happy travels! I look forward to seeing/hearing about it.

  17. Hope you are having a good time in London. The photographs are beautiful. More soon....xo

  18. I can't wait to be in Berlin!
    Thanks again for the lovely images!!!

    Here is something for you:

  19. makes me wanna go some place and do some exploring right now!

  20. Wow, you really do have a lot planned for your London trip and it all sounds fantastic. To me, the perfect cup of coffee is a white chocolate mocha with a shot of hazelnut.

  21. Lovely, lovely photos from your days.

  22. aww thanks for saying that about my writing, I feel the same about your photos.

  23. I so understand the way you feel about winter! Yesterday, I decided to go on a boot strike and wear flats. Needless to say, at -10 degrees, my feet kind of froze. And today it snowed. Back to boots. I'm looking forward to reading about your London trip.
